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Earn 10% Commission for Nursery or School with our Christmas Fundraising Project

How to Run Through School

Easy to organise either by the PTA or office/school teacher. Run as a classroom arts project or let parents get involved and help their child draw/paint a beautiful Christmas picture. Parents then choose from our supplied order form, items including Christmas cards, cushion, Santa sacks, mugs plus many more personalised gifts.

The picture (do not bend or staple), order form and full payment via cash are returned to school by the deadline date agreed. School then collects the orders and we collect the drawing and order forms for the school, work our magic and return orders back to school.


School can either pay when we collect the orders or we can invoice once the orders are delivered with your 10% commission deducted.

Why get involved?

Christmas is all about showing your family and friends how much you love them.  Our Christmas fundraising scheme is a great way for your nursery or school children to have their unique designs turned into handy, personalised gifts for all the family. Beautiful gifts, cherished by family, children getting involved in art plus your nursery/school earns 15% commission on all sales received.

The idea

  • To get schools involved in an arts programme
  • All children, in every class create a festive picture
  • Take the drawing home, with an order form, which will be returned to school by the deadline with the original drawing and full payment by the deadline date.
  • Order, drawings and payment will be collected by us from the school
  • Within 2 weeks, Christmas cards and gifts ordered will be returned to school, clearly labelled with child name and class, ready for the school to distribute
  • 10% of all the sales will be donated back to school for school funds

The more classes involved,
the more money raised for school!

If you run through our online shop and parents place orders online, you only receive 5% commission due to more admin work.

If you think your nursery or school could be interested either pass on their details to us and we will contact them or get them to contact
Cheryl 01925 222449 or email